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Alcoholic Liver Disease


Damage to the liver from years of excessive drinking causes alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD). Alcohol misuse can cause the liver to swell and become inflamed over time. Cirrhosis is a scarring condition caused by liver injury. Cirrhosis is the most advanced form of liver disease.

ARLD is a significant public health issue. Approximately 8% to 10% of Americans consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Ten to fifteen percent of people will develop ARLD. Women who consume more than eight alcoholic beverages per week are considered heavy drinkers, while males who drink more than 15 are considered heavy drinkers.

Excessive alcohol use has a number of negative repercussions, including liver damage. This is particularly dangerous because liver failure is deadly. Learn how to avoid and manage this life-threatening disease.


The symptoms of ARLD depend on the stage of the disease. There are three stages:

  • Alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Acute alcoholic hepatitis
  • Alcoholic cirrhosis

Some patients with ARLD do not have symptoms until the disease has progressed. Others begin to show symptoms early. ARLD symptoms include:

  • nausea
  • loss of appetite
  • jaundice
  • fatigue
  • abdominal discomfort
  • increased thirst
  • swelling in the legs and abdomen
  • weight loss


ARLD is induced by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. The more you drink in excess of the recommended amounts, the more likely you are to develop ARLD.


The treatment of ARLD involves two objectives.

  • The first is to assist you in quitting drinking. This can help mend the liver and prevent additional damage, Apollo medics provides professional help for de-addiction.
  • The second step is to improve the health of your liver.

When to seek a doctor?

If you think you have a drinking problem or are at risk for liver disease, talk to our doctor. They can recommend you to programs that can help you stop drinking and enhance your liver’s health. Unfortunately , liver disease due to alcohol is diagnosed at a late stage and liver transplant after abstinence is most often required for cure.

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