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Mechanical Thrombectomy

Mechanical Thrombectomy

Mechanical Thrombectomy is a type of minimally invasive procedure in which an interventional radiologist uses specialized equipment to remove a clot from a patient’s artery. With the help of continuous X-rays, the doctor guides instruments through the patient’s arteries to the clot, extracting the clot forming in the brain, carotid artery and leg arteries.

The radiologist starts the procedure by making a small incision in either the wrist or the abdomen, giving them access to an artery. After making the incision, the doctor threads a catheter through the artery to the clot. Next, they insert a tiny net-like device called a stent retriever into the catheter and guide it to the blockage. They then push the stent retriever through the clot.

After the stent retriever is through, it expands to the size of the artery wall. At this point, the stent retriever has captured the clot, and the doctor is able to pull it out backwards, removing the clot entirely. Apollo Hospital Lucknow is the only private hospital in this region to have the Most Advanced DSA Biplane Cath Lab in Uttar Pradesh to perform regular Mechanical Thrombectomy.


This procedure is used to treat arterial blockages caused by blood clots. The following conditions are treatable by a mechanical thrombectomy:


A blood clot that forms in an artery leading to the brain, or in an artery in another area of the body that is then swept to a brain artery. This causes the blood supply to the brain to stop or slow this event is termed a brain stroke. Apollo Lucknow is one of the best Hospitals to treat brain stroke. Dr. R.V. Phadke (ex. HOD Neuroradiology SGPGI) is the best doctor to perform Mechanical thrombectomy on all kinds patient of brain stroke. Dr. R.V. Phadke has successfully treated various Brain stroke cases.


A blood clot that forms in an artery. DVTs form most often in the legs, but they can occur in the arms as well. DVT can cause permanent damage to the valves inside veins. This can lead to long-term problems in the leg such as pain, swelling, and leg sores. DVTs are also dangerous because of the possibility that the clot can break off and go to the lungs. If this occurs, the clot can end up blocking blood flow and causing a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal condition.


What is endovascular coiling and when it is performed?

Endovascular coiling is a very advanced procedure performed on arteries of the brain to block blood flow into an aneurysm (a weakened area in the wall of an artery in the brain).

Endovascular coiling is a more recent treatment for brain aneurysms. Apollo Hospital Lucknow is the best and only hospital in Uttar Pradesh to have performed numerous endovascular coiling successfully.

Endovascular coiling is a minimally invasive technique, which means that there is no cut or opening of the brain for operating and treating the brain aneurysm. Rather, a catheter is used to reach the aneurysm in the brain.

During endovascular coiling, a catheter is passed through the leg up into the artery in the brain containing the aneurysm. metal coils are then released. The coils induce clotting (embolization) of the aneurysm and, in this way, prevent blood from getting into it.


  • Minimally invasive surgery results in negligible blood loss and very early recovery of patients.
  • The most advanced procedure which is much safer than conventional brain surgeries.
  • Highly recommended for old-age patients who cannot undergo conventional brain surgery.


What is artery occlusion and bypass and when it is performed?

Artery occlusion and bypass is an advanced procedure over brain aneurysm and is a two-part procedure combining open microsurgery and endovascular coiling. This is a procedure to coil the entire diseased portion of the blood vessel of the brain and then bypass the blood flow to the specific location in the brain. this procedure is more advanced than endovascular coiling in that this procedure closes down (occludes) the whole vessel rather than just putting coils in the aneurysm sac. It is recommended for patients where the entire vessel has become weak and only coiling is not an option. Apollo Lucknow is the best and the only hospital to perform artery occlusion along with the bypass of blood vessels of the brain successfully in numerous patients. This is the most advanced technique to treat Brain Stroke.


What is flow diversion?

Flow diversion is an endovascular technique which is often preferred where instead of placing a device inside the aneurysm sac, such as with coiling, the device is placed in the main blood vessel to divert blood flow away from the aneurysm itself.

Almost immediately the blood flow to the aneurysm is reduced, and the complete closure of the aneurysm occurs between 6 weeks to 6 months after the procedure.

When flow diversion performed

A flow diversion procedure may be performed to treat an unruptured brain aneurysm. In cases where there is a clear and present danger of rupturing or bursting of a brain aneurysm. It is a much safer procedure than coiling and has been performed regularly and successfully at Apollo Lucknow. Apollo Lucknow is the only hospital in Uttar Pradesh to perform flow diversion surgery successfully. This is the most advanced technique to treat Brain Stroke.


Apollo Hospital Lucknow is one of the recognised centres for the best treatment of Mechanical Thrombectomy and brain Aneurysm treatment. Apollo Hospital Lucknow has a multidisciplinary team of doctors (Internationally Trained Radio Intensivists) backed by Excellent Infrastructure, a state-of-the-art DSA Biplane Cath Lab and Internationally Trained Physiotherapy and rehabilitation experts who address all dimensions of treatment, for the best outcome. Apollo Hospital Lucknow is the only Hospital in Uttar Pradesh to perform such complex procedures with a more than 95% success rate. Dr RV Phadke (Chief Consultant & HOD, Dept of Interventional Radiology) is one of the best doctors in India performing these kinds of procedures for the past 30+ years

For any query related to Mechanical Thrombectomy or Brain Aneurysm Treatment or to book an appointment with our Experts,

PLEASE CONTACT OUR 24X7 HELPLINE: +91 7705002271/74/77

Doctor’s Profile

Dr. Rajiv Khanna

Dr. Rajendra V. Phadke

Chief Consultant & HOD – Radiodiagnosis & Interventional Radiology

Dr. Rajiv Khanna

Dr. Arpit Taunk

Associate Consultant Interventional Radiology
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