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Home Case Of The Complex Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Case Of The Complex Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Case Of Complex Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Complex PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) Single Surgical vessel

: “Dual CTO (chronic total occlusion) in the same sitting” by Dr. Gautam Swaroop, Senior Consultant-Interventional Cardiology and team at Apollomedics Hospital Lucknow.

Complex Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
A 68-year-old male presented at ApollomedicsHospital with a history of Angina for the past 2 years and resting chest pain for last 2 hours. His ECHO showed global LV H/K (Global left ventricular hypokinesia), LVEF(Left ventricular ejection fraction) 30% i.e. moderate dysfunction.

CAG(Coronary Angiogram) was done which showed both his major coronary arteries LAD(which showed both his major coronary arteries LAD (left anterior descending) / LCX (left circumflex artery) were totally occluded. The patient was advised for CABG but the patient was not willing to go for Bypass surgery.

CTO(Chronic total occlusion) Intervention is a technically challenging procedure and it is done only by a few interventional cardiologists in India. During the CTO procedure, an interventional cardiologist enters the patient’s body through a vessel near the groin or wrist. They use tiny wires (or catheters) and other minimally invasive tools to approach the CTO blockages. In this case, it was even more challenging because LAD (CTO) was stump less.

Dr. GautamSwaroop, Senior Consultant-Interventional Cardiology and the team accepted this challenging procedure and successfully opened both CTO in the same sitting with three drug-eluting stents. The patient responded well to the procedure and was discharged in a healthy state on Day 2 after surgery.

Procedure performed by
Dr Gautam Swaroop & Interventional Cardiology Team
Institute of Cardiac Sciences, Apollomedics hospitals Lucknow

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